Rhize founder, Giovanna Ventola, was laid off three times in three years. The repetitive cycle left her feeling desperate and insecure as she repeatedly reached out to the same contacts with the same sob story.

Despite the kindness and support, it felt like a perpetual cycle: "Here I am again, flooding your inbox, impacted by yet another round of layoffs.”

Looking to grow her network, she turned to TikTok and shared her struggles with the platform’s authentic audience.

A start on Tiktok

On TikTok, Giovanna started sharing her unemployment journey hoping to connect with a few people in similar situations.

As her following grew, what she found was both encouraging and disheartening.

“There are A LOT of us out there… and we all have different challenges with our circumstance.”

Illustration of dates in Giovanna's journey. 1st TikTok: January 22, 2024, April 5, 2024: 10,000 followers, May 28, 2024: 20,000 followers, June 6, 2024: 1,000,000 likes


Quickly realizing the extent of unemployment, Giovanna started a Slack community on March 1st, 2024 to unite and support fellow job seekers.

In May, Giovanna and her team rebranded the community to Rhize.

Rhize Grow Together Logo - which features the word Rhize with a seedling as the I in Rhize and "grow together" underneath


Today, the community has reached over 2,500 members and growing.

If you’re looking for support in your career journey - join Rhize!